****Our annual HOA dues letters were accidentally sent out stating that dues are $1,400. THIS IS INCORRECT. Dues have not changed from the $700. New letters will be sent out immediately. You are welcome to pay off the first letter or wait for the second. Dues are due January 31st.****
Annual letters regarding HOA fees have been mailed and should arrive to you any day (weather permitting with this blizzard!). You can also pay online. Please visit www.ha-kc.org to make your online payment. NO annual dues increase for 2025!
Our annual HOA Meeting is Monday, January 13th at 630pm-7:30pm at Olathe Indian Creek Library, 16100 W. 135th St. Olathe, KS 66062 (intersection of 135th and Brougham Dr by Kohls). All neighbors are welcome and encouraged to join us!
Are you in our Facebook Group yet?
Painting your house? Did you know the list of approved exterior colors is available on the DOCUMENTS page of this website? So is the Neighborhood By-Laws document, and the Architectural Request form!